into the light

A miracle happened to me last week: my older sister called me. I have three sisters – two older and one younger – and we are completely different people by nature. Keeping in touch has been a challenge, to say the least. I have only ever been able to keep in touch with my younger sister, whose Chinese zodiac sign is Rabbit. She lives entirely within the bourgeois conciliation rules of the 3D world and abhors conflict. I have always had the feeling that I cannot cross certain boundaries, i.e. upset her when I keep in touch with her.

This worked for a while, until I found out about our galactic family and started talking to her about the influence of higher forces and star races on world politics and our lives in general. We soon grew apart. We sometimes talk on the phone when I call her, but we discuss everyday matters in a limited way, keeping our distance.

I would describe my sister, who is less than a year older than me, as a ‘free spirit’. There has always been something magical about her, in the style of Magica De Spell. I noticed it as a child when we were looking for four-leaf clovers: when the rest of us tried to find even one, she would pick several from the same tussock without really looking for them. This ‘magic’ has been something I have not been able to categorise at all, so it has ended up in the same category as the dodgy ones and the tricksters.

For the first time, I now have the thought that maybe this is my mother’s heritage: my mother was a Lappish woman (indigenous people from northern Finland, Lapland) and in my childhood their connection to nature and the spirit world was emphasised. Perhaps my mother’s magical, electromagnetic aurora-borealis energy has been passed on to her offspring. My sister is not a nature person at all, but she has a hint of the psychic in her, which has manifested itself as a Gyro Gearloose – like attitude to life. Although her ideas have sometimes seemed to run completely counter to reality she has insisted that things be called by their right names and she does not tolerate pretending.

For this reason, I have even spoken to my older sister using more harsh language than when speaking to my younger sister, with whom I have to consider my words more carefully. This does not mean that I pretend to either of them. It just means that I take into account that they will interpret my words differently.

The last time I felt a close connection with my older sister was in the mid-1980s. I had spent the whole autumn of 1986 at the International People’s College in Denmark. I returned to Finland for Christmas and intended to go to Germany after the Christmas holidays. I spent the holidays with my sister in her small studio apartment.

At the time, my sister was in trouble with her credit card debts. We had nothing to eat. The winter was very cold and we used our last money to buy candles. During the Christmas holidays we hardly spoke at all, but I felt a divine connection between us. I didn’t need anything else. It is one of the most unforgettable Christmases I have ever experienced.

The Dark Night of the Soul

Despite the fact that I myself experienced a sense of divine connection when spending time with my sister, for years she has thought I despised and scorned her. For the last 20 years she has been going through a very dark phase in her life, best described by the word dark night of the soul. It started when I finished my studies in Germany and returned to Finland in 1999. By then I had more or less recovered from the end of my long-standing friendship with André. The same distressing feelings surfaced even more strongly when I was dealing with my sister’s contentious divorce from her husband and the custody dispute over their two sons.

I could not support my sister in her efforts to separate the children from their father. I do not want to describe in detail the smear campaign of the feuding couple against each other. Other than to say that it was horrible to watch from the sidelines. When I said something negative about my sister’s ex-husband she immediately reminded me that he had the right to act as he did. I offered to help my sister maintain contact with the bureaucrats, but she rejected my idea.

At a hearing in a district court, it was suggested that I become the boys’ guardian. At that time I was devastated by my ex-husband’s suicide and even the thought of getting all the shit my sister and her ex threw at each other terrified me. So I quietly declined the honor.

My sister lost custody of the boys. As a result, she lost faith in the judiciary system and renounced the 3D – society. Our contact was almost completely severed when I felt I could not have any real conversation with my sister. At some point I heard from my brother that my sister was in (involuntary ?) care in a mental hospital.

Reconciling / Balancing Karma

Listening to my sister’s voice on the phone last week, it sounded the same as it did 30 years ago when everything was still fine. My first impression was that my sister was moving into the light. The last time I spoke to my sister on the phone, her voice conveyed an extreme anxiety that cut to the bone and to the core. My sister asked me then, “What if this is just karma? I told her there is no karma, which essentially meant that I had not even thought about it in depth. At that moment, karma was associated in my mind with the doctrine of reincarnation in Eastern religions, according to which we atone in this life for the karma of the previous life.

I think everything is here and now. We live under the laws of cause and effect. Everyone reaps what they sow. We get what we order, which does not mean that we get what we want. This is karma in all its simplicity and it affects our lives every moment. Our job is to constantly balance the influence of positive and negative, Yin and Yang energies. Positive and negative in this context do not mean good or bad. They mean positive and negative electric charge, because we live in an electromagnetic, divine energy field.

When we want to emphasise spiritual values and create peace, love and justice, it does not mean that harmony, peace, love and justice will begin to prevail in our lives. It means that we consciously or unconsciously create challenges that purify the karma we carry within us. When we want justice we have to make justice itself a trait that is our backbone. The same goes for peace and love.

3D vs 5D Awareness

I sent this article to my older sister before publication to see if she had anything to add or correct about its content. She sent me a long message correcting my ‘misconceptions’. When I write about how I have subjectively experienced everything, one cannot talk about misconceptions. Objectively speaking, perceptions can be wrong, but our own experience is absolute and we all have a unique perspective on things.

I was somewhat surprised at how differently my sister remembered past events. Past events don’t matter except in the sense that they have helped us in spiritual growth. In my sister’s mind, they still have a tangible impact because her perceptions, attitudes and beliefs create the reality in which she lives. This is true for all people on the planet, for good or ill. That’s why I decided to write more about the issues my sister brought forward.

My sister wrote that she has never thought that I despise or scorn her. Nor have I felt that way. I wrote this because my sister said me once when we met face to face that she didn’t miss my company for this reason. I understand that people say things to each other that they don’t mean. But why did she say that if it wasn’t true? Did she want to ‘show me my place’ and that she was the ‘master’ of the situation?

People seem to have a strange idea that it’s always positive when you’re in control and you’re ‘on top of things’. We see the fatal consequences when a violent offender is ‘on top’, but we fail to see that violent and abusive relationships have equally fatal consequences in less severe cases. We see that our bodies produce water vapour in freezing temperatures, but how many people think that this happens all the time. Even when we don’t see it.

When we think that it is only positive that we are in control of situations, we do not see that our actions are gathering black clouds over us. The messages of our Galactic Family tell us that this can also happen when we imagine we are helping things. When we help something that prevents the person being helped from absorbing the lesson that their challenging situation is supposed to provide we are gathering negative karma upon ourselves. A good example of this is parents who cover up their offspring’s crimes (perhaps to protect their own reputation) and do not give them the opportunity to face the consequences of their actions. In the saddest cases, these parents are murdered when the offspring take ‘what is theirs’, i.e. the parents’ property.

My sister said she has never tried to separate her sons from their father. At the time of the events, I wondered how far a person is willing to go to get what they want. My sister even tried to get her husband’s paternity annulled, thinking that it would resolve the custody dispute.

My sister cannot see my disability (caused by nature) and her family being torn apart (caused by the authorities) as directly comparable cases, because her case is obviously a much more serious tragedy, so (in her opinion) I cannot understand her situation. However, the fact is that everything that happens to us is based on the laws of nature, which are based on common sense. We ourselves attract challenges with our inner energies, which help us to clear the negative karma that is affecting our energy field.

Common sense (the inner navigator, the moral compass) works on the same principles for all individuals, unless we ourselves prevent it from working by letting our analytical mind, which is the ego-mind, control events. My sister is a very intelligent person who, like other intelligent people, prides herself on the capacity of her brain, her analytical mind and her ability to navigate life’s challenges. However, the analytical mind has no moral compass built in. Our moral compass is in the heart, which has a magnetic field 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain.

No man in the world can understand what is happening in the world with his analytical mind alone. It is imperative that people give control to their inner navigator so that we at least have the ability to assimilate the vocabulary required to describe the energies in the world.

My sister said that she has waited in vain for 20 years for justice to be done. But none of us need to wait for the judiciary, decision-makers and politicians to do justice. What matters is that we do justice for ourselves and let our true selves rule our lives.

When we think that regardless of our life situation we can turn a negative charge into a positive charge, it is obvious that the divine energy field is pure positive, light energy. The forces of darkness are an illusion we cherish within us, which spreads into our environment and becomes self-fulfilling unless we consciously move into the forces of light and begin to create a reality that matches our preferences. The messages of our Galactic Family tell us that never in history has humanity raised the consciousness and vibrational frequency of energy as rapidly as it has in the last thousand years.

People may think all this is nonsense, but it’s just a question of what we want to believe in and where we focus our energy. Do we want to believe in the fear-mongering and warmongering of the mainstream media, or do we focus our energy on creating the new world. For me, the solution is very simple. New life can be seen in the blossoms of my 27-year-old porcelain flower (Hoya Carnosa) and I am excited to see the renewing energies on Earth working just as powerfully in my body.


Gregg Braden:
We Are Never Victims of Our Past Unless We Choose to Be
Gregg Braden:
Understanding Our Holographic Consciousness and Reality

Are You Living in 3D?
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Spirituality Revealed:
The Most Important Law of KARMA
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Message From A Reptilian
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