Dragon Year 2024

Unleash the Power of the Dragon in 2024

The Year of the Dragon started on an uplifting feelings when I watched Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin. The alternative media suggested that Tucker Carlson missed a great opportunity to get to the heart of the matter. The interview makes no reference to the World Economic Forum, Klaus Swab, transhumanism, plandemia, toxic vaccines, lockdowns…

Jesus Lifts Your Energy

I wrote in my article God’s Temple in my Heart about my experience, when I became a believer in 1983. That is to say, when Jesus and the Bible started influencing my life. It has been a complete mystery to me, what happened during the weekend when my attitude to myself and everything else totally…

Creative Writing

After I woke up from coma in 1979 I was feeling very calm and peaceful on a certain level, but on the level of ego consciousness my mind was shattered into million pieces. I had a feeling that the foundations of my life that had been supporting me before the stroke had collapsed, and everything…

Development on Own Conditions

I watched in May the BBC documentary Inside the Saudi Kingdom, in which the Saudi Arabian crown prince Saud bin Abdul Muhsin tells how the consciousness expansion of people and individualization is changing the Islamic society. As I was watching the documentary it reminded me of my text ‘Living a Balanced Life on Own Conditions’…

Happy New Age!

“When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius…” (These are the melodies from the 1960s musical Hair.) According to astrology we are moving under the sign of Aquarius. The…

Out of Pure Friendship

One year after the stroke, in the New Year’s Eve 1979, I was feeling like a newborn child. My former life time had passed by and nothing new was built to replace it. I felt that I had an endless amount of blank paper before me, on which I could create my life just as…