Tiedonanto: AlterG-avoimet ovet Ortonissa 12.-16.8.2019

 Olen kirjoittanut pari artikkelia kävelykuntoutuksestani AlterG-matolla. Painovoiman säätelyyn (Alter Gravity) perustuva painokevennetty kävely on mullistava liikuntamuoto. Se antaa potkua silloin, kun voimasi alkavat hiipua, kun tunnet itsesi voimattomaksi ja haluttomaksi, kun kehon paino tuntuu liian raskaalta tai kun sinulla on kipuja. Tai kun haluat malttamattomasti päästä entiseen vauhtiin ja parantaa suoritustasi. Painokevennetyn kävelyn ja juoksun…

AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill

Sometimes when I was watching astronauts walking on the moon, I imagined in my mind what would weightless movement feel like in my body. I got some sense of it last week when I tested unweighted walking on the AlterG treadmill. AlterG treadmill is originally designed for NASA astronauts to exercise in space. Lack of…

Standing Wheelchair (Levo C3)

At the end of May I received a fabulous standing wheelchair, which enables me to work in an upright position beside my electrical adjustable working table. Most often I stand in half-standing/half-sitting position, which eases the circulation of body fluids remarkably and relaxes my feet. Before I got the standing wheelchair I was not able…

Mangar Elk Lifting Cushion

On the 37th anniversary of my handicap, December 30, 2015 I received as a present a Mangar Elk Lifting Cushion. The fear that I would fall and would not be able to stand up from the floor vanished with this new everyday tool. The ELK is commonly used in a range of settings, such as…

Chakra Healing Frequencies, Music Acupuncture

Music Acupuncture

I enjoy very much when I can immerse myself into my thoughts and feel connected to the consciousness of the Universe. Two weeks ago I had spent four days and nights this way as I wrote one text. When it was time to do something else, I couldn’t get rid of my thoughts. Some time…

Fitness Equipment

Fitness Equipment

Cross trainer (cross-country skiing simulation) Eight years ago in a rehab centre I got to know cross trainer, which became my oldest fitness equipment. Gym instructors didn’t even recommend it to me, because they saw me in a wheelchair that doesn’t make really motoric impression. But when I saw the equipment in function I thought…

NOKIA Lumia 1020 PureView – Windows Phone

NOKIA Lumia 1020 PureView – Windows Phone

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”1559″ effect=”none” size=”large” width=”630″ fitMobile=”true” autoHeight=”true”]Last decade I have been searching for me a digital camera. I think that poor people, like I am cannot afford to buy bad quality things or waste their money for unnecessary testing, so I have approached this thing very earnestly. Sometimes I already have thought to have…


I have been wondering why are waterbeds marketed basically for wealthy people as an ego flattering place to sleep in. According to adverts waterbeds are good for two things and the other is sleeping. I bought my first waterbed in the beginning of the 1980s, as they came to Finland. The reason was very simple:…