The EU and Russia

When Donald Trump visited Europe in July, he said that the EU is the biggest rival, foe of the USA. When I saw the word ‘foe’ for the first time it had the meaning of ‘fool’ (a useful idiot) in my mind. So the EU is the most significant useful idiot of the USA. “That’s…

Life or Euthanasia

At the beginning of May, the Finnish Parliament rejected a citizens’ initiative to legalize euthanasia. It was as if the decision makers wanted to apologize for the negative decision when they explained that the purpose is to focus on developing better ways for palliative care. It is strange that we consider palliative care – that…

Irrational Politics

Some time ago, I saw on YouTube an educational video for future civil activists made by the Finnish Left Alliance chair person Li Andersson. She states in the video that political changes always start at the grassroots level. Statesmen, politicians, and decision-makers serve only as middleman. In theory, that is how it should be in…

History of the Future

It is said that we must understand history in order to understand or even predict the future. I believe that the distorted historical interpretation distorts man’s image of reality just as much as the false assumptions of science. However, finding durable solutions to various problems would definitely require us to have the most truthful image…