Holy Spirit = New World Order

According to a survey that was published in January the Bible is as violent as Quran. The person, who made the survey is a software engineer, Tom Andersson. The survey is completely based on literal expression, and it does not at all take into account the contents or meanings of the scriptures of Christianity, Judaism…

We Have No Human Rights

Worldly Environment David Icke tells in the video called ‘Archons’ about old Gnostic texts that were found in Upper Egypt in 1945. They give insight into the ancient perception of people about the visible and invisible world. According to the Gnostic world view, the unseen forces of darkness are an essential part of the energy…

How the Mirror Works I

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”231″ align=”right” effect=”none” size=”medium” fitMobile=”true” autoHeight=”true”]On the fifth of March I watched in Youtube the documentary of Leslee Udwin ‘India’s Daughter’, which tells about the incident on the 16th of December, 2012 when a 23 year old physiotherapy student was raped and brutalised so badly in India that she died. As could be…

Greeting from the Building Site

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”221″ align=”right” effect=”grayscale” size=”medium” autoHeight=”true”] The building site I am referring to in the title is my body, because I am seeing my body as a big building site now and I have fallen in love with its workers: the micro-organisms, who take care of my health. I am responsible that they have…

Above the Law

The Finnish interior minister, Päivi Räsänen became the eyesore of the media last week when she said in her speech in the summer festival of the Finnish Lutheran Mission that when the worldly law and the law of God conflict we should obey God’s word. I think this is rather a no-brainer and I didn’t…

Life without Limits

In the Thrive-movie David Icke talks about the greatest prison of people: the fear what other people think (1:18:10 on video timeline). People have been brought up to become guards for each other. Those, who step too far from the norm and conventional rules are forced through wordless agreement back into the old rut again….

Power of Money

When I begun to write this blog I thought that I won’t write anything concerning political issues. World politics, agony of people and questionable policies of decision-makers have made me so frustrated and distressed in past decades that I would like to exclude that all from my life. I cannot help things a bit by…

What happened to me?

In my text Foretaste of Forthcoming I write that I found a sustainable ground for my life over 30 years ago in the lyrics of an ancient oriental hymn. I am glad that I can stand tall now and say: this is how it happened. But as everything was happening to me I did not…